Throughout my years of schooling I have read a countless number of books both for enjoyment and out of requirement. Most of them were decent, a few choice ones I would read again and there were those that one time was more than enough. The one book that has stuck with me as being my absolute favorite book is “I’m Glad I’m Your Mother” by Bill and Kathy Horlacher. My mother had been reading this book to me for so long that I do not even remember the first time I heard it. It has always just been there. The story focuses on reasons why a mother is proud of and thankful for her child. It uses several different combinations of mothers and children, of all different ethnicities. The reasons why the mother’s are proud are not over the top achievements, but the little everyday good they notice in their kids. Some of the reasons are, opening the door for a mother who has her arms full of groceries, helping a lost cat find its home or saying sorry when you have done something wrong. I enjoy this book because it shows kids that there are so many little things they can do, and that ultimately just being themselves, as the book ends along the lines of, “I’m glad I’m your mother simply because you are you” is enough. This book is a level 1 reader so it would be a simple book for students of a younger age, but also valuable for students in the older grade levels. It is a good book for getting students moving towards reading on their own as it repeats the phrase “I’m glad I’m your mother” followed by a new reason. It also rhymes, so perhaps, I, as the teacher could read one page and then the student, knowing the first phrase and that the second phrase has to rhyme, could more readily figure it out on their own. A reason I especially appreciate this book is that, as I said before, it represents families of all different ethnicities, hitting home that all people and children especially are valued just for being themselves. I like that it is a positive and uplifting book that shows that people sometimes do bad things, but that wrongs can be made right with a little effort. This book would be a great introduction to any mother’s day activities as well as an opening for conversation about what students do individually to help their families and friends. It would also be a nice book for around thanksgiving time as students think of reasons why they are thankful for their parents.
Jada! I remember reading this book as a child as well. You're right, it is a great book. Especially for exposing children to different ethnic backgrounds.