Monday, October 12, 2009

Christine Balcarcel- Literacy Center

Using yahoo, I searched "literacy center ideas". I came across many different sites with a variety of resources for literacy centers in the classroom. One particular site I found was . This site was made by a teacher who was able to transform her entire classroom into different literacy centers. One particular thing that this teacher did was set up a mini gazebo in the corner of her classroom, equipped with pillows and stuffed animals. This gazebo makes silent reading especially comfortable and special for her students. Another station in her classroom is the sticker story station. In this station, students pick 3 or 4 stickers from a bucket and stick them to a sheet of paper. On that same sheet, students write a 4 or 5 sentence story about the stickers that they chose. This allows students to use their imagination, and makes for some creative illustrations. A third station in this classroom is the letter center. In this center, the teacher provides fun stationary, pens, and stamps. Students then can write letters to their friends and family. The website provides several other ideas and resources for literacy centers in the classroom.

Another website I found helpful was . This website also has many ideas for different centers in the classroom. For instance, this teacher has 8 different activities that students could use that involve using the classroom word wall. One of these activities is the ABC word wall, which requires students to put the word wall words in alphabetical order. Another center this teacher implements in her classroom is the poem center. At this center, students read a poem and then draw what they picture when they read the words. They also can write their own poems and illustrations.

After researching different literacy center ideas I think that it would be extremely beneficial to incorporate literacy centers in my own classroom. They motivate students to read and help them learn important subjects such as spelling, writing, and rhyming.

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